

HomTerra Construction Ltd.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Logo Design
  • Monogram
  • Visual Identity
  • Color Theory
  • Typography
  • Brand Book
  • Marketing


HomTerra Construction Ltd. is a construction company based in British Columbia, Canada. They specialize in intricate planning, functional designs, and tailored execution to meet their clients' specific needs for their space. They envision, design, and build eco-friendly features together with their clients.

The founder of HomTerra and their core team of talented professionals have years of combined experience in the construction industry, spanning both residential and commercial projects. Their expertise enables them to offer services that focuses on creating spaces that are highly functional and effective. With a deep understanding of the industry, they strive to deliver visually appealing spaces that align with the practical requirements and preferences of their clients.

I had the opportunity to work on the overall look and feel of the Homterra Construction company since 2021. Collaborating with the founder, I developed various branding concepts that included branding strategy, logo design, monogram, brand book, visual identity, seasonal marketing collateral and many more.

Brand Strategy + Message

Intricate Planning  |  Functional Design  |  Collaborative Execution

HomTerra Construction's brand strategy is based on three key attributes. These attributes highlight the company's attention to detail during the planning stage, their ability to create spaces that are visually appealing while also highly functional, and their commitment to working closely with clients throughout the construction process.

The company's brand message, "Creating better designed space that is functional and memorable" effectively captures the key attributes of HomTerra Construction. It emphasizes their expertise in building solid and safe structures, their commitment to high-tech innovation, and their focus on creating designs and structures that consider factors such as sustainability, aesthetics, and functionality. Their dedication ensures that the residential spaces they build are in harmony with the surrounding landscape, neighborhood, or architectural context, resulting in a cohesive and balanced overall integration.

Mood & Tone

Mission -  To create exceptional spaces that inspire and enrich the lives of their clients. Through collaborative approach, meticulous planning, and expert execution, they deliver tailored solutions that exceed their client expectations and leave a lasting impression.

-  To be recognized as the premier construction company known for their unwavering commitment to craftsmanship, innovation, and customer satisfaction. They strive to be the trusted partner that transforms visions into reality.

Brand Name

HomTerra is a brand name concept that combines the meanings of 'HOM', signifying 'home' and 'TERRA', which means 'land or territory.' The combination evokes a sense of connection to one's living space and the physical environment. It also conveys a sense of belonging, stability, and the idea of a personal sanctuary. The combination of home and land/territory suggests a comprehensive approach to the concept of residential spaces, encompassing both the physical structure and the surrounding environment.

Custom Wordmark

Logo Design

HomTerra Construction logo is a combination of letter "H" with reinforced pillars and a "hexagon" shape to create a visual representation of the company's dedication to constructing safe, solid, and environmentally conscious residential spaces, aligning with the brand's essence.

Logo design concept sketches

Logo Story -  The logo is centered around the letter "H," which stands for HomTerra and represents the pillars of a home or building. Within the letter "H," I reinforced the concept of "pillars" to symbolize the solid structure that HomTerra Construction strives to achieve in their projects. These pillars represent the foundation and support that ensure the safety and durability of the buildings they construct. To further convey the brand's values of strength, stability, and balance, an hexagon shape is incorporated into the logo. The hexagon is known for its robustness and efficiency in nature, as well as its geometric symmetry. This shape reinforces the idea of a well-built and balanced structure.

Color Palette

The brand color palette of HomTerra Construction comprises comprises navy blue, dark green, and sandy brown gradient. These earthy tones are carefully chosen to reflect the brand essence, complement the natural elements of construction, and create a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity.

Navy Blue -  Navy blue is a deep, rich color that represents strength, and professionalism, conveying a sense of trust and stability, which is crucial in the construction industry.

Dark Green -  Dark green symbolizes growth, harmony, and sustainable practices, emphasizing the integration of residential spaces with the natural environment.

Sandy Brown -  The sandy brown represents the natural elements involved in construction and building spaces, such as wood, sand and stone. This color creates a natural and organic feel, adding warmth and reflecting the natural elements associated with construction. It strengthens the brand's connection to the construction industry and the materials used, enhancing the overall brand identity.

Monogram Design

The HomTerra Construction monogram design is created with the aim of building a cohesive brand identity that catches the attention of their customers. I ensured that the logo is versatile and adaptable to suit the business needs. The monogram design is unique and easily noticeable, making it a distinctive representation of the brand.

In addition, I created two alternate versions of the monogram for the team to use. This provides flexibility and options for brand usage. As the company continues to grow, the team should eventually be able to use just the symbol "H" as the monogram, as it becomes established and recognized.

Using the monogram design as a stamp is a great way to integrate the brand identity into different materials and documents. By utilizing the monogram as a stamp, it allows for a consistent and recognizable representation of the brand across various mediums. The stamp can be used on official documents, promotional materials, and other relevant items, strengthening the brand identity and creating a professional and cohesive appearance. Whether it's embossed or inked, the monogram stamp adds authenticity and enhances the overall brand image.

Visual Identity

(Design In-Progress. Coming Soon)

Brand Book

(Design In-Progress. Coming Soon)

Senior Designer: Prateeba Perumal

© Copyright HomTerra Construction 2023.